Kamis, 19 Oktober 2017

English story part 2

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Second week of english lesson

Before class starts the classroom atmosphere is very crowded, After the lecturers are present and entering the classroom, the atmosphere is calm and the students begin to learn

Lecturers ask students to introduce themselves because yesterday's time is not enough,so I can give myself the opportunity to introduce myself from the name, age, address, date of birth and graduate school

In the second week the lecturer asked us to create a group for the presentation of the article and explain what kind of articles will be displayed for the presentation

the lecturer tells us that the third week will show an example of a presentation that will be displayed for the presentation later.

That is all from me

thank you

Jumat, 13 Oktober 2017

english story

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

The first day of the english lesson

When an english lecturer enters and lntroduce himself, only the assistant lecturer while the lecturer can not attend because he leaves and was replaced by the assistant lecturer.

After the lecturer introduce himself,the lecturer asked us to introduce our selves with english of the name,age,date of birth, address and graduate school.

But l did not introduce my self because there was not enough time.
Just most of me for the first day story about english lesson.

Thank you.